Denise Moncrief

Seeing what you don't want to see. Dreaming what you don't want to dream. Hearing what you don't want to hear. Knowing too much. Prescience can be deadly.

Jackie Mason's legacy lives on long after his death. What he left behind could be deadly for those who seek it, but that doesn't stop those he left behind from searching for it.

Series Books Available Now!

Prescience Series

Dare Lake Trilogy

The River Road Set: Each book in the set is written to stand alone, but together they tell the story of how a feud between two families put a curse on the land and its owners for generations. 

Haunted Hearts: Arkansas Set

The Arkansas Set: Each book in the set is written to stand alone, but together they tell the story of one man’s corrupt influence over an entire county and how one bad decision can affect so many lives. 

Haunted Hearts: River Road Set